Kratom: A Miracle Supplement or a Dangerous Drug?

Mitragyna Speciosa, widely known as kratom, is a tropical tree from the coffee family. It’s native to Southeast Asia regions of Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea. It has been used as herbal medicine since the 19th century. Laborers used to chew or brew kratom leaves to boost energy or relax after the hard work.

Kratom: A Miracle Supplement or a Dangerous Drug?

Kratom: A Miracle Supplement or a Dangerous


Mitragyna Speciosa, widely known as kratom, is a tropical tree from the coffee family. It’s native to Southeast Asia regions of Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea. It has been used as herbal medicine since the 19th century. Laborers used to chew or brew kratom leaves to boost energy or relax after the hard work.

Kratom came to the Western market scene in the 1980s and gained huge popularity for its therapeutic properties. Nowadays, kratom is sold in processed form — as powder and capsules — and used by about 5 million Americans.

What Is Kratom and What Are Kratom Effects?

The chemical compound of kratom consists of over 20 alkaloids of which mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine are the most pronounced ones. The alkaloids affect the “mu” receptor, which is the main receptor for opioids. Kratom effects range from energizing and uplifting to euphoria and drowsiness. Although kratom in larger doses has opioid-like effects, it’s distinct from classic drugs like oxycodone and heroin.

In small amounts, kratom acts as a psychostimulant, helps with relieving anxiety, and has mood-enhancing effects. Users also report feeling more sociable, energized, and alerted when taking kratom in small doses. In higher doses, kratom imitates the effects of opioids, including sedation, pain relief, and alertness.

What Is Kratom Used For?

Kratom has a wide spectrum of benefits. Below, we’re revealing what benefits kratom brings.

Pain Relief

Pain relief is among the most common benefits of kratom use. Abundant with anti-inflammatory alkaloids like epicatechin and rhynchophylline, kratom has a great potential for relieving pain caused by chronic diseases. Green Malay kratom and Red Bali kratom are the usual choices for pain relief.

Concentration Improvement

Kratom has nootropic properties which makes it a powerful supplement for enhancing focus, and overall cognitive function. White and green strains are particularly useful for getting a concentration boost.

Drug Withdrawal Symptom Relief

Kratom can help people that are fighting opioid addiction. Kratom imitates the opioid effects as it interacts with the opioid receptors in the brain without causing side-effects. A controlled dodge of kratom is said to relieve withdrawal symptoms and ease the pain, as well as decrease the opioid cravings.


Kratom is praised for its mood-boosting capabilities. The compounds of kratom attach to the receptors that regulate hormones like serotonin and endorphins, eliciting optimistic feelings. Users report being more in control of their emotions and less prone to anxiety and stress. Green Maeng Da, as well as White Maeng Da, are best recommended for mood-lifting.

Management of Sleep Disorders

Although there aren’t studies that support this, users report kratom helps them manage their sleep disorders. Taken in low doses, kratom can is a natural way to improve sleep. This might be correlated with kratom’s stress-relief and relaxant properties.

Better Immunity

Kratom is rich in alkaloids which are essential for maintaining strong immunity and well-being.

Energy Enhancer

Kratom stimulates the release of serotonin and dopamine which cause you to feel more alerted and energized. Plus, kratom leaves enhance oxygen transportation through the body which also entices energy production. The yellow Trainwreck kratom is an excellent option for an energy kick.

Better Libido

There are numerous consumers that associate kratom with improved libido or sexual performance. This might relate to several kratom benefits. For example, the supplement reduces stress and anxiety, which are the two main factors that influence erectile dysfunction and sexual desire. Additionally, kratom boosts blood flow, which is another factor for good sexual performance.

Diabetes Management

The alkaloids found in kratom balance the blood sugar, helping prevent the sudden spikes and drops. People dealing with diabetes often use kratom to manage the condition. Those that aren’t diabetic can use kratom as a preventative measure.

Side Effects of Kratom

Kratom has a wide spectrum of benefits but the FDA still hasn’t discovered reliable evidence to support the medical uses of the plant. They even claim that there are deadly risks related to kratom uses but NIDA stated that the deaths were caused by other illicit drugs.

However, there are several side effects associated with small doses of kratom though they are very unlikely to appear. Nausea, dry mouth, constipation, loss of appetite, itching, dehydration, and sweating are some of them. Higher doses of kratom are more likely to cause the appearance of side effects. They are also likely to be more intense. Higher kratom doses might cause problems with coordination so you should avoid driving when consuming it.

Long-term kratom use can cause more severe side effects like vomiting, kidney failure, cardiotoxicity, and liver toxicity. Additionally, long-term use of kratom might lead to anorexia and psychosis.

Is Kratom Addictive?

Kratom chemicals carry little addiction risk. However, as it elicits opioid-like feelings, long-term use might lead to dependence. Kratom withdrawal symptoms might also appear when you stop taking kratom after prolonged usage. Common symptoms like agitation, muscle pain, insomnia, and sudden emotional changes might happen within 12-16 hours of the last kratom intake.

Accidental Kratom Overdose

People who have a high tolerance for opioids might accidentally overdose with kratom. They would require higher kratom doses to achieve the effects which can lead to developing overdose symptoms like sudden chills, nausea, and shortness of breath.

How Does Kratom Show on a Drug Test?

If you have an upcoming drug test and you have consumed kratom, don’t worry. Typical drug tests don’t detect kratom. Also, kratom won’t show false positives either, as the alkaloids in kratom are completely different from those found in opioids so the drug won’t detect them.

How Long Does Kratom Stay In Your System?

Katom won’t show on a drug test but it will stay in your system for some period. A blood test can detect the presence of kratom in your body after 2-3 days of use. Urine tests, on the other hand, can detect kratom presence even 7-9 days after use.

How to Take Kratom?

As we mentioned before, in its native regions, kratom leaves were traditionally chewed or brewed. Natives even smoked dried leaves. Today, you can mainly find two forms of kratom on the market — powder, and pills. If you’re wondering what’s the best way to take kratom, read on. We’re breaking down the most popular options.

How to Use Kratom Capsules?

Kratom capsules are the easiest way to take kratom. You need to swallow the pill with water or other beverage and you’ll be good to go. Kratom pills contain a high concentration of alkaloids, ensuring strong effects. They come prepackaged, so you don’t have to worry about the dosage. The only downside is, it takes about 45 minutes for the body to break down and absorb the pill so the effects will come in later.

How to Toss and Wash?

Toss and wash require simply tossing the desired dose of kratom powder and washing it down with water or other beverage. The powder kicks in fast and delivers strong effects. However, many people avoid this method because the raw powder has a strong flavor which some find unpleasant.

How to Prepare Kratom Tea?

Kratom tea is made of kratom powder. You need to boil the desired amount of powder with water and then strain the liquid. The prepared tea can be drunk as it is or with milk, lemon juice, honey, sugar, or syrup. There are plenty of kratom tea recipes that involve ginger or mint leaves. In short, you can add whatever you desire. People that want to achieve powerful effects don’t opt for kratom tea as the hot water can compromise the alkaloids and weaken the kratom influence.

How to Make Kratom Extract?

Kratom extract has stronger effects than any other kratom type. You can opt to prepare liquid extract which, in its essence, means to dissolve kratom leaves or powder in water or ethanol. You should add citric acid until a pH of 4 is achieved. Once you prepare the mixture, you should let it sit for about two weeks before straining it and let it evaporate to leave a concentrated extract.

How to Make Kratom Resin?

Kratom resin is another method for preparing kratom extract. The resin is semi-solid and more concentrated. You need to prepare a mixture of kratom powder, a small amount of water, and citric acid. Then, put the mixture in the freezer and then boil the frozen kratom and add more citric acid. Afterward, the mixture is strained and partly evaporated, you should simmer it, adding more water and acid. Put it in the oven to evaporate the remaining water and you’ll be left with thick kratom extract, abundant with alkaloids.

How to Take Kratom Extract?

Both the liquid kratom and resin can be simply ingested orally. If you opt for liquid kratom extract, you can add it to your food or drink. The alternative use of the kratom resin is to place it under the tongue for several seconds and swallow the rest. This method is said to provide faster effects.

Liquid Kratom Shots

If you’re looking for a new and fun way to intake kratom, try the liquid kratom shots. How to prepare liquid kratom shots? Easy! Just mix kratom powder with your favorite single-shot dring and chug. The shots are very easy to prepare and consume and also very potent. Plus, you can try new flavor variations every day.

How to Dose Kratom?

The exact kratom dosage depends on personal preferences and tolerance. If you’re just starting with kratom, make sure to take small doses at first. That way, you’ll give your body and mind a chance to adjust to it. Observe the effects and then moderately increase the doses if needed.

Generally speaking, 1-5 grams of kratom powder is considered small. Doses of 5-15 grams are considered moderate to high and come with a higher risk of side effects.

What Happens If You Smoke Kratom?

Smoking kratom isn’t recommendable because there are many side effects associated with it. Shortness of breath and coughing are the most common effects of smoking kratom. Additionally, smoking kratom can cause long-term harm and weaken the immune system. Snorting kratom is another way of intaking kratom that isn’t advisable. This method can cause damage to the respiratory system and lung infections.

How to Keep Kratom Fresh?

Kratom powder stays fresh for about 2 months. With time, the potency of alkaloids weakens and the powder will start losing its flavor, scent, and color. However, if you keep your powder in an inadequate condition, it will significantly shorten its shelf life. So make sure that the place where you store the kratom powder is completely dey and away from the sun. Also, make sure to use an airtight container because, when exposed to oxygen, the powder might oxidate and decrease in potency.

How to Grow Kratom Indoors?

If you want to grow kratom at home, you can. Even if you’re living in a state or country where the use of kratom is banned, you can grow the plant for aesthetic purposes. Growing kratom trees requires specific conditions. It thrives in hot areas so it requires a temperature-controlled environment. Additionally, you need to obtain nutrient-dense soil and provide optimal humidity. Another important note is that you need to keep the plant away from direct sunlight. 

Where to Buy Kratom?

Now onto the main question: where to buy kratom — online or in an in-person store?”. Well, numerous vendors sell kratom both in in-person stores and online. Which method you’ll choose is entirely up to you. What’s important is to choose a trusted kratom vendor that tests the products and performs strict quality control.

Is Kratom Legal?

In the US, kratom is considered to be a drug of concern. While it isn’t banned on a federal level, several states have made it illegal to buy, sell, or use kratom. Arkansas, Vermont, Alabama, Indiana, and Rhode Island are some of the states where kratom is banned.

Kratom is also illegal in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, UK, and numerous EU states including Denmark, Poland, and Sweden. Thailand, Myanmar, and Malaysia are also among the countries where kratom is considered an illegal substance.