The Future of CBD Within the Food & Beverage Industry

People find to believe that cannabidiol is harmful and addictive due to the rumors they hear rather than researching the compounds infused within cannabidiol.

The Future of CBD Within the Food & Beverage Industry
CBD Within the Food & Beverage Industry

CBD was first discovered by the brilliant chemist Robert Adams. Cannabidiol plant has a chemical compound named CBD, and another compound was found as well, which was called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It was discovered that THC and CBD have a direct relationship with marijuana; however, it is found that THC has harmful side effects compared to CBD if there is a high dosage of THC consumed. Research shows that CBD is the opposite of THC since it has become trendy because of its physical and mental benefits.

People find to believe that cannabidiol is harmful and addictive due to the rumors they hear rather than researching the compounds infused within cannabidiol. Since CBD has been introduced within the market, there has been an increase in its consumption due to its benefits. Multiple industries are using CBD to conduct different business opportunities, such as the food and beverage industry.

Benefits of CBD Within the Food & Beverage Industry

There have been studies conducted on CBD where it is found that they contain various health benefits which they have purchased through the best CBD online store that have helped cure or solve multiple diseases such as cancer symptoms, inflammation, seizures, and anxiety. Many people have tried to experiment with foods like cookies, doughnuts, and coffee by infusing CBD extracted portions. It is fair use for therapeutics that aid both mentally and physically. Multiple food and beverage industries are currently experimenting with their brands by infusing CBD extracts to research further their benefits and risks under the FDA's observation since there has been no legal acceptance for the use of CBD within the food beverage announced.

Risks of CBD Within the Food & Beverage Industry

Although it is found that CBD has benefits both mentally and physically, there are concerns regarding the 0.3% of THC located within CBD, which many believe to be harmful. Some studies find that if CBD was introduced within the food and beverage industry, especially within the alcohol industry, it could prove very dangerous since the FDA has allowed 0.5% of alcohol within alcoholic beverages. If it is mixed with CBD extract, then the results could be quite damaging. Further, there has been no proof that whether CBD could cause long-term symptoms that could affect a person's health.

FDA Regulations on CBD Within the Food & Beverage Industry

The FDA has currently banned the use of CBD within food and beverages; however, half the states in the US have laws that allow CBD with food products. Other countries have been found using CBD within their food and beverages since their FDA has approved its use. Due to the uncertain risks or long-term risks of CBD service within any food or beverage item, the FDA has avoided accepting to pass the legislation for approval as there have been safety and mental state concerns. However, the FDA has been rethinking their decision about the use of CBD within the food and beverage industry. There is the possibility of the FDA approving the legislation for all states within the US soon.


The future shows to be quite bright when CBD is involved within the food and beverage industry since it is found that CBD has mostly proven to be quite beneficial overall. Suppose it is introduced within the food and beverage industry. In that case, it may indirectly benefit the overall population, but there should be long term side effect research done to prevent them any harm. The food and beverage industry should be restricted to use CBD for certain products that might help benefit the general population after extensive R&D to prevent any harmful causes.